Sunday, August 7, 2011

So Much For Pictures

I've been procrastinating getting the kids pictures done. I have the outfits, but finding the time has been really tricky with our busy summer. So this week I was excited that Wednesday we finally had an open day.

Tuesday night we went to Kenny and Melodie Newman's house (our neighbors) to finish up some left over fireworks. Not 5 minutes after getting there I see Hayden running down the driveway, tripping and then face-planting.

This was the end result...

Poor boy! Everyone told me I should still get his pictures done, but after seeing how he looked in the morning I decided it would be best to wait...
It even ended up looking worse once a full-on scab appeared. Now we are just worried about it scaring. Especially because he keeps picking at it. Oh well! I should just get over it. I'm sure this won't be the last facial injury Hayden has.

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